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YRoNS (Young Researchers of Natural Sciences) je mednarodna konferenca mladih naravoslovcev. Na njej sodelujejo dijaki iz Madžarske, Nemčije, Indije, Francije, Norveške, Nizozemske in Slovenije. Vsako leto konferenco organizira druga država.  Žal je tudi letošnja potekala virtualno. Tema tridnevne konference, ki je potekala v začetku aprila, je bila The science cinema, Short movies about exciting experiments.

Dijakinje 3. letnika, Julija Kovačič, Maja Dekleva, Vita Šavli, Urška Letič, Laura Kos in Neža Mihelčič,  so zastopale našo gimnazijo z naravoslovnim projektom Hydrocarbons – similar and different at the same time. Program srečanja, na katerem je sodelovalo več kot 90 dijakov, so obogatila strokovna predavanja priznanih znanstvenikov, ki so z zanimanjem prisluhnili tudi predstavitvam dijakov.

Tovrstna srečanja so za dijake izjemnega pomena. Izmenjujejo si izkušnje na področju raziskovanja, razvijajo jezikovne in medkulturne kompetence ter spoznavajo kulturo, zgodovino in življenje držav sodelujočih.

Ob koncu srečanja pa smo, tako kot že dve leti, zaželeli le eno – da bi se naslednje leto lahko spet srečali v živo.

In še nekaj mnenj dijakinj:

This is the second year that I am participating in the YRONS conference and I really enjoyed it. I liked all the students presentations, because they were inovative and interesting to me. I also enjoyed guest speakers – especially interesting was the presentation of Mr. Peter Ferjančič. I hope that the next year the conference can be held in person. 

Julija Kovačič

Participating in project Yrons was a really great experience and I think that we learned a lot from it.

Some of the most important skills that we learned were working in a group, making an interesting experiment for other students and professors and also making a great video and presentation about it.

Thank you for the opportunity for being part of the project Yrons and we hope to repeat this amazing experience again. 

Laura Kos

This year’s YRONS project was very fun! We learned a lot about other countries, especially about India.

I really liked the whole programme made by Indian team, it was very interesting and instructive.

I also met new friends which I am thankful for 🙂

Urška Letič

YRoNS has become an annual event for me as this year I have attended it for the third time. It was once again a wonderful experience of connecting young people in simple, yet interesting science. We were able to see experiments performed by our peers from other countries, as well as presentations of well known alumni. We also learned about the culture of other countries that was very different from ours in some cases. So far I have always enjoyed these conferences and I hope that next year we will finally meet in person. 

Maja Dekleva

mentorica: Magdalena Klasinc

(Število obiskov: 146)